There is something unsettling, however, about being reassured in troubled times. You feel lied to. By showing us such a clear victory for the press, the film suggests that the struggle is over and dealt with: we can go home and forget, even feel nostalgic for the Nixon era.
Note from Akshi Singh:...
It is a sure sign of my nerdish tendencies that when I see a news headline like this:
Disgusted With the USDA, Farmers Make Their Own Organic Label
All I can think of is this:
Syndicated from Eat This Podcast
I'm feeling a bit stir-crazy as my blessed knee is still cramping my style more than somewhat. More than two months now since whatever it was, and during that time I've discovered that anti-inflamatories (diclofenac) help with the pain, but also encourage me to get out and walk, which doesn't help w...
My friend Jason observed,
, that a stranger in a strange land often writes, daily even, about "about all the new and interesting things that caught his eye". Over time though, and so partly as a result of familiarity and partly as a result of other things...Inigo Thomas' recent
and Fire and Fury, was a treat in and of itself.Resentment broke out, as if Wolff, who has written mostly about the media in the past, had stolen a subject from the seasoned political reporters. Or was it because, by getting i...