The story so far: Yesterday, I discovered the idea of using 1Writer on my phone to create daily journal entries. Today, pursuing that, I gave up on the idea, sort of, because a folder full of short journal entries poses its own problems, like being able to preview and search the entries really easily.

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A recent update to iOS on my phone did for Notesy, the app I had been using to synchronise with nvALT. I replaced it with 1Writer, and thought no more about it. 1Writer did what I wanted, it could read, write, edit and search the notes in nvALT.

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No sooner had I finished The Circle and raved about it to a friend who is a voracious reader and whose opinion I trust than she had me reading Super Sad True Love Story. There are similarities, which is why I am reviewing them together. Both are set a few minutes into the future and both of them are thoroughly dystopian. Both of them also accelerate inexorably and intensify to something of a climax. Both are equally scary, although paradoxically SSTLS, which on the surface is much more violent and unfathomable, is much harder to take seriously.

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One of my dreams, when I first arrived in Rome, was to be able, on a hot summer evening, to walk out to my own lemon tree and pick a still-warm fruit to grace my ice-cold G&T. Sixteen years and four removals later, that tree, bought from a lorry at the side of the road, is still with me and, this wi...

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The (Italian) poster for Three billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri describes it as a black comedy. I'm not sure I would call it a comedy of any kind, even though it has lots of very funny moments. But then, I'm not sure what category I would put it in, if forced. "Quirky, damn funny, thought-provo...

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