The Main Squeeze had a slightly spooky moment when she opened her Instagram app this morning. Last night, she'd been noodling around looking for a holiday place to stay. Now, near the top of her stream, there was the exact same place she had spent most time looking at, in a "sponsored" post.

We ha...

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In the past, building a market required users, products, all that mess—farmers taking their plump pigs to market. What we have now is a means of spinning up any number of auctions, a method for the mass manufacture of middlemen. This is the destiny of Silicon Valley. And with ICOs and Bitcoin exchan...

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Two biggish changes this month. I switched my time recording software to Tyme and I am really liking it. I also downloaded The Archive and am trying both to make it my preferred note-taking app (not so easy) and to adopt a stricter approach to notes based on Zettelkasten methods (easier, especially with The Archive). Also started taking a proper PHP course in Coursera.

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I'm remembering a night at my grandparents' flat 60 or 61 years ago. It was a special occasion, a holiday, and the table was beautifully set, with white linen, flickering candles, glittering glass and silver. As the youngest son at the table. I had a special part to play. I did it, though I have no recollection whether well, and afterwards my grandfather handed me a small box. My first wristwatch. I remember nothing about that either, except that I proudly put it on my left wrist, as he had told me I should.

Little did I know, it was a trap.

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Cobey Williamson wrote a post on Medium that included this thought:

Content, whether via third party publisher or self-hosted, is the new advertising, created solely to drive customers to the point of sale. This is the future of professional content services.


So much of value is...

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