I really enjoyed reading Eli Mellen's post of a couple of days ago:
.It really struck a chord with me because I have so often felt exactly the same frustrations, but my moaning comes from a position of consi...
An update to Parsedown, one of the packages that Grav uses to process Markdown, broke the display of footnotes and image captions. The update was necessary for security reasons that I don't understand, to do with processing HTML, I believe. While the Parsedown people are working on a proper fix, it...
On this morning's walk, during which I was going over this article in my mind, my podcast player threw up the latest episode of The Food Programme from the BBC, about bread. Or rather, about Nathan Myhrvold and Modernist Bread. What a great episode it was, a marvellous example of how to showcase...
There's an XKCD cartoon beloved of geeky nerds and nerdy geeks looking to make things happen automatically. Actually, there are two, Automation and Is It Worth the Time?. Both have exercised me all weekend, and now, after only 13.5 hours, I might be able to save myself literally minutes every da...
When I thought of myself as a public radio producer, I never had any interest in creating a show or being a host. I just thought, “That’s what somebody else does. That’s not a strength of mine.” So when we created the CDS podcast, I thought we were going to make pieces and since I’m the only person...