It could have started a couple of days ago, but really, who has 12 days to celebrate, even something as wonderful as Fornacalia? In an effort to move things along I've started mixing up a batch of posts to culminate on 16 February with what I hope will be a massive tribute by and to bread bakers e...
Overall the month has been pretty good. One week of the month I was away from my desk, so that skews things a bit. The biggest upset was a knee injury that knocked my steps way down. The irony is, this came on after injections of hyaluronic acid, to lube the arthritic joint. Those worked so well I think I overdid things, as a result of which I did some sort of damage to the ligaments and tendons on the inside of the knee. The doctor advised ice, rest and elevation, and occasional use of a brace. Those helped, a little, but it wasn't until I turned to ingested anti-inflamatories that things really improved, and that was only a couple of days ago.
It really is rather satisfying to receive this kind of validation:
Too often I found myself wishing that Jeremy Cherfas had been picked up to give the subject a proper 10+ episode treatment. I suspect he’d have done a more interesting in-depth bunch of interviews and managed to weave a more coherent story out of the whole. Alas, twas never thus.
There was a teeny squawk on Twitter today when Tim Lang shared a graph of how the global harvest of cereals is divided up.
Look how use of cereals to feed animals has grown:
— Professor Tim Lang (@ProfTimLang) January 30, 2018
This is the graph he showed:
My old mucker Luigi was quick to...
The story so far: Yesterday, I discovered
. Today, pursuing that, I gave up on the idea, sort of, because a folder full of short journal entries poses its own problems, like being able to preview and search the entries really easily.