It has been a busy month, so busy that this report is the latest it has been in its short life. Many things have stayed on track, which makes me really happy.

Bread baking continues apace, with a new process in place to email people a choice of two different loaves. They reply by Monday, I deliver on Thursday and everyone is happy. I have been seriously eyeing up a Rofco B20 oven to cut total baking time but even though it seems on paper to be very compact I have not been able to identify a suitable space.

Doing a solid piece of work for a couple of hours before opening emails or anything else is also working too. It has become even more important lately as I have a big job on at the moment and I really want to avoid crashing into the deadline. The running list of other things to write about or do has also been worthwhile in helping to keep me focused.

I failed to focus on my subscription to the University of Michigan's Coursera offerings, which renewed automatically for June. I've no objection to paying for courses, but this was very stupid because I know I'm not going to have any time to follow up on the PHP course for most of June and July, so non-trivial money down the drain.

Noticed a couple of things that had escaped me before. The iOS app shows a few brief insights each day, like the fact that my wake-up time over the past seven days is earlier than average. The makers insist that's been there for a while, and I have no reason to doubt them, but I had never noticed it before. The other oddity is that it can take a fair few days to adjust to a different location. It picked up my move to Dublin on the day I arrived, but didn't realise I was home until I had been back for three days. I have no idea how to reset location manually. There is also now a look back that pops up when you rate each day. For a while it was flaky, claiming a year ago for things that took place three months ago. That seems fixed, and it is a fun little memory jog.

Selecting a period to examine is really poor. You get the past 30 days in a browser, and that's it. Pity. Would make another good itch.


Logged 121 hours for the 31 days of May and worked on 21 of those days. But that's out of whack because I did not log at all for several days while I was travelling, for work.

Month Total Daily Admin % ETP % Other %
05 151 6.0 36 20 44
04 159 7.5 29 29 40
03 152 7.0 20 10 70


I still like Tyme, more so now that it is really easy to select calendar months. Maybe someone was listening?


Pathetic again; no old posts brought in this month. I did write seven new posts, only one of which was about IndieWeb plumbing.

Six reading sessions over the past 30 days; still not enough.


The knee continues to recover, but is still not 100%.


Terrific progress; six consecutive weeks of more steps than the week before. Back on 11 March I averaged 5506 steps a day. By 3 June the average was up to 8897 a day.


Holding steady at about 08:15. That's just fine. Long may it continue.


Need to get back to putting that PHP course to use on getting micropub working with Grav. And pulling data out of

Read later, bookmarking and annotation workflow also needs a lot of attention.

Fix that bloody table display; I've already wasted more than an hour of my precious OCD time on the damn thing

Final remarks

Yay summer! Three pure R&R trips planned for June and July and at least one sing-for-my-supper trip in July. Can't wait, even if it does reduce the time available to work on those itches.

Filed under | Geeky | Monthlies |

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