People have raised concerns about Wes Anderson's Isle of Dogs. It's cultural appropriation. It's racist, or at the very least xenophobic. For the first, I couldn't give a fig. When an artist creates something they inevitably appropriate; creation requires that. The second, I honestly don't feel st...
The PHP course I started has been going really well, giving me the good grounding that I was looking for and that I never had. The secret will be somehow to keep using it. Some pretty big bakes too, handling double my normal quantity in a day. The big downside there is oven time. I can bake only one...
As an editor, one of my triggers is phrases of the form "I work for the elimination of ambiguity". I shun them. I prefer to work to eliminate ambiguity. I do so because "it's a fact the whole world knows" that nounifications are harder to understand.
Now I read, in The Economist, that "presenting ... statements in noun form" -- I support the division -- "reduced feelings of anger" compared to the verb form -- I support dividing.
One of the key problems online is to prove that you are who you say you are. If you are, then I can allow you to do certain things.
These two things are usually called authentication and authorisation.
We had a quick trip to Venice a few weeks ago, which included a good mix of the old and the new. A new restaurant was the Antica Osteria Ruga Rialto, a favourite haunt of a new friend. Having eaten cuttlefish twice already, I decided to try something new, green gnocchi with shrimps.