Moroccan flatbread called k'sra

It is the day before Christmas and I wouldn’t be cooking normally. If I am in Beirut, it is either my mother or sister at the stoves and if I am in England, I would be in the country with my English adoptive family.

Anissa’s recipe for Moroccan bread is tempting, and interesting in that sh...

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Another wonderful piece of software has landed in my lap. Workflowy (gack!) is “just” an online form to, you know, write shit down. I’ve been a GTD freak for a while now, not obsessively, but enough to get me through my days. And I’ve always found that the old hipster PDA served me better than...

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Cross section of a sandwich on olive-studded bread

Since we met him about two and a half years ago, Paolo Cantele has become one of our best friends -- in part because we all laugh so hard when we’re together, in part because he shares my interest...

It is true that great sandwiches can be found even in the humblest places, and one of the fi...

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2021-12-24: This post is so out-dated it makes my head spin. But worth keeping nevertheless.

The preceding post1 is something I am inordinately proud of. Doesn't look like much, does it? But trust me, it is.

A while ago I discovered, which makes content curation rather easy. Con...

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xkcd cartoon about privacy

The main reason I’m linking to this xkcd, Privacy, is that the mouseover text uses the exact same joke that Sydney Brenner used when the 1975 Asilomar meeting decided to put a temporary halt to recombination in the laboratory.