It's crap; is it also art?

Walking down to visit a friend last night, I spotted something odd on the pavement. Holy crap, I thought, I need to get a picture of that. Nobody will believe me.

Dog turd with a label stuck into it. The label reads, in Italian, I have been abandoned, will someone adopt me?

Yes, that's dogshit. Yes, that's a beautifully lettered sign stuck in it on a toothpick. It reads, rough...

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Social media are in turmoil, and I’m riding out the storm. Not to be too dramatic or anything, but a lot of cheese has been moved around, and I’m trying to cope.

First off, Google disabled the social aspects of Google Reader, likely to send us all scurrying to [Google Plus]

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The McRib’s unique aspects and impermanence, many of us believe, make it seem a likely candidate for being a sort of arbitrage strategy on McDonald’s part. Calling a fast food sandwich an arbitrage strategy is perhaps a bit of a reach – but consider how massive the chain’s market influence is, and...

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I had a lot of trouble trying to combine a Ken Burns gentle zoom with static framing after the zoom. It is easy enough to split a clip and apply Ken Burns to the first clip. The problem is getting the crop in the second clip to match exactly with the End framing of the first clip.

Does that make s...

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That Murmuration video is getting a lot of mileage as people marvel at the flocking behaviour of starlings. I liked the way grrrlscientist took the opportunity to kinda sorta explain how starlings do it, even if the average reader is little wiser. OK, so they are tracking up to six of their neares...

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