The camera first shows him standing with a warm smile on his face, hand on chin. He then beckons his interviewers to a table, leaving visible behind him a portrait of himself in exactly the same pose—in sunglasses.

Airplane, right? But no, this is part of one of the funniest deconstructions I...

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A piece of toast with a picture of Jesus burnt into the surface

From Rob Corso and Meg Sheehan: now if they could make it with interchangeable imprinting elements, they’d be onto a global sure-fire winner.

Like any craft, I suppose, my bread-making is torn between tramping the paths of old familiar loaves, where I know my destination will be pleasant, and exploring new ideas which, gasp, might take me to a bad place. Susan's recipe and photographs for her Open Sesame Pain de Beaucaire, however, gave...

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I read this piece in the New York Times, about the desirability of using weights, not volumes to measure ingredients when it first came out a month ago. And naturally ignored it; I mean, who needs to be told that? But today, when I went to print it out for some people who might need to be told jus...

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Screenshot of a tweet that says I dream of a world where chickens can cross a road without their motives being questioned