Stack of fresh-baked pita

Every time I see pita bread for sale in stores these days I chuckle to myself. €1.40 for ~5 is a typical price around here. This recipe will make four times that quantity, for a third of the cost, and what's even better is that, as with all ...

Price alone is seldom enough of a reason for ma...

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My take on the battle of bibliographic software

Time was when managing a reference bibliography required a stack of cards, either plain 3 x 5s or, if you were very technologically advanced, bigger ones with holes punched around the edge, and a secretary or, if you were technologically advanced but lower than pond-scum on the hierarchy, a knitting needle, a typewriter and a big bottle of correction fluid.

Time was when the worst part about having a paper rejected by Nature, and considering resubmission to Science, was the thought of having to reformat both the citations and the references themselves.

Today, though, these nightmares are all but forgotten.

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Price sticker, misspelling batard as bastard

We all make mistakes, no?

h/t The Presurfer: European Bread Of The Week

This does not look good.

Mac screen showing vertical banding

Not aesthetically, and especially not technically. It is a screenshot of my Mac at 13.36 yesterday. We’ve had some display issues in the past, mostly fixed, at least temporarily, by installing a little gizmo-app that speeds up the fans and keeps things cool. But this is...

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All hail Fastweb!

I know this is going to annoy some people, and I never thought I’d write the following sentence. Today, Fastweb, purveyors of internet access and telephonic services to the patient, delivered more than they promised.

This morning our modem went pfft. With it died the telephone....

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