A good western is like a twelve bar blues. There's a basic simple structure within which more or less everything is predictable. And then there are the little riffs and trills that bring delight because they are not quite what you expected. Open Range is one such, directed by Kevin Costner and sta...

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Six almost opened buds on a barrel-shaped cactus

Been waiting, each morning and each evening, for these.

Six opened flowers on a barrel-shaped cactus

Hold the front page! Genetically modified canola (rapeseed to less sensitive souls) has been "found growing in North Dakota". According to Nature not one but two types -- one from Monsanto and one from Bayer -- were found "at large distances from areas of agricultural production". Better yet, rese...

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[T]o put it in one bleak sentence, no medium has ever survived the indifference of 25-year-olds.

That’s Clay Shirky, explaining to Decca Aikenhead in The Guardian why the print edition of The Guardian (and presumably just about everything else) will be as anachronistic as a telegram in 15 ye...

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Hey, it’s Lammas Day, time to celebrate with a loaf of the season’s freshly-milled wheat. Failing that, and ignoring all the woo-hoo that nowadays seems to surround even the simplest expression of gratitude, I’m going to mix traditions and post about my soul's search for a good Jewish rye recipe.


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