I know I’ve neglected this site lately, and I know that people who apologize for neglecting their sites are a pain in the butt. But ... I haven’t been entirely idle elsewhere. There really does seem to be some set number of words in me each day, replenished each night, and if I spend them some place...

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Boogie Woogie is about art, and the London art scene. How droll that the main character, a wonderfully charming dealer, is called Art. All the characters, Art (and Art) included, are caricatures rather than characters, though the film is none the worse for that. In fact, it is a rather good laugh,...

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People tell me that they can lose hours on YouTube. I don’t get it. Sure, there are millions of good things there. But they are buried among squillions of not such good things. I seldom find anything of stunning interest just by goofing around. So I was pleased, astonished, surprised and delighted t...

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I need to chase down the full-length version of this movie. Not because pastry is my thing; it isn’t. But because documentary is.

Seth Roberts, he of the Shangri La diet, has a blog. I see it in my RSS reader. I was amazed to see a post that seemed to have been, er, penetrated, thusly:

Screenshot of spam appearing in RSS feed

So I went to the blog post itself. And lo! all those nasties were invisible.

Screenshot of post not infected by spam

So I checked the source, and they’re not there either....

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