Odd things sometimes happen when the train is a little late and you get to hear two Ted Talks back to back, in the order you downloaded them. You get to see Carl Safina identifying the real reasons for "accidental" oil spills: corporations that have bought government out from under us. And you ge...
Actually been back a little while, frantically catching up and trying to cope with too much heat, too much humidity and not enough (or any) escape. Apart from work, where the a/c is about the best that can be said for the experience. So, as the previous post was all about the magic frangipani's near-death experience and resurrection, I'll make this a quick what's happening on the terrace post.
Almost a month after I decapitated the magic frangipani, signs of life.
Four or five of the axillary buds have swelled and given forth tiny little leaves.
Is there enough time left for it to build up its reserves for another hard winter?
iBank it is.1 After giving Moneydance and iBank another few goes around, I was eventually persuaded by iBank to part with my money. I was impressed by its slickness, especially at reconciling statements and getting information seamlessly from teh interwebs. Reconciling is an absolute doddle, as...
Colleen spotted this great flickr set of new logos for BP. Personally, I think the company will bounce back. After it all, it was only BP’s calamity that brought the Exxon Valdez back into the news, and all of us who swore we’d never buy Esso again slowly forgot our pledges. Kinda stupid putting...