It’s fair to say that I was an early and enthusiastic adopter of Jim Lahey’s no-knead bread, hymning its pleasures a week or so after the original article appeared in the New York Times. It is also fair to say that since I re-applied myself to serious bread-baking, which I suppose was about three...

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  1. "You can't wake a person who's pretending to be asleep." Jason Clay thinks differently about sustainability.

    1. str_replace("Negroes", "Women", "Negroes want to be treated like men: a perfectly straightforward statement, containing only seven words.") Sheryl WuDunn on gender equality.

    2. ...

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So we’re sat in the front row in front of the big white screen, glancing around at the beautiful courtyard of the palazzo that houses the administrative offices of the Provincia di Roma. We’re there to see a movie, part of the Wine and Food Film Festival. A woman comes on stage. She announces that...

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I forgot to mention in the account of my ice cream odyssey that as a public service I had created a Google Map of all the places on the original list. I hope it helps someone find what they are looking for.

View Gelaterie in a larger map.

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A man needs a purpose to get the most out of life. My purpose last Saturday was to sample ice creams. Not any old ice creams, but those recommended by Elizabeth Minchilli a couple of months ago. 1 My original plan was to visit all the establishments she mentioned and compare my impressions with...

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