I was momentarily distracted while listening to Lord Bragg on Women in Enlightment Science trying to recall whether I had ever seen the famed double-portrait of the Lavoisiers. So as soon as I got to the desktop I went looking, and I don't believe I had. My original intention had been to just ni...
The wonderful brouhaha over the idiocy at Cooks Source 1 shows no signs of dying down. For new readers, a foolish editor at Cooks Source -- described by the Washington Post as “a formerly obscure food magazine based in Sunderland, Mass.” -- stole an article from the internet, offered a less th...
Friend Derek's website is so bleedin’ cool 1 that I have to have this discussion on my own premises. I’m not even sure it’ll work, but here goes.
In a recent daily 2 he notes that:
¢ 1 cosa non mi riCordo menTioned in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ... is the i...
The 8pen: Writing fast on small devices.
I watched the video, and as someone who learned Graffiti on a Palm, it seems to me that this could fly. Wonder when it might be available for my non-Android non-i phone.
2021-11-03: Dead and gone; just a flash in the 8pen?
I watched Jessica Jackley’s recently uploaded Tedtalk with growing bewilderment.
It was a wonderful story, or rather, set of stories. Jackley’s own story, of how Muhammad Yunus inspired her to set off to Africa and connect with people to whom she could lend money. Their stories too. And the stor...