It being too hot to do anything outside, I got back into the swing of bringing old blog posts in here, from February 2005. One in particular seems worth bringing to life. Take back the net is about a crazed scheme to game search engines by encouraging bloggers1 to add the words Online Poker to their blogroll but -- and here's the crazy part -- to link to the Wikipedia entry for Online Poker.2 Back then, Ozh wrote:

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This sounds crazy, I know, but after three days of testing myself round and round in circles, I am beginning to think that there is some fundamental way in which the Grav webmention plugin behaves very differently in a local MAMP development environment versus the live, production environment.

I need to go back to first principles, I think. If only I could work out what those are.

It was fun listening to Melvyn Bragg trying to get to grips with the ineffable mysteries of bird migration. The facts don't seem to have changed much since I taught the subject, decades ago,1 although there are now many more of them. And almost all of those facts are clearly enough to make even Lord Bragg's mind boggle, as we heard throughout the show. But I kept waiting for one of the guests to make one key point.

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Michael Chabon is one of a couple of living authors whose words -- any words -- I fall upon with glee. Right now I'm working my way slowly through Manhood for Amateurs. Slowly both because these essays are so good that I don't want them to end and because they do also blend into one another, the most recently finished tending to obscure earlier ones.

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I've moaned publicly and to anyone who'll listen about how much I hate the way Instagram now shows me photos from the people I follow. Hating's not enough, though. You have to do something about it.

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