Notes, as much for my own memory as for anyone following along, on a couple of recent tweaks
I read a lot, on and offline, and forget almost as much, so I have various places where I try to save bookmarks, notes and what have you. Then I noticed that
...A few days ago, searching for something completely different, I came across a post by John Hawks -- 1 It's a beaut, and not just because it pushes all my confirmation bias buttons.
-- which I duly bookmarked. The real point of that, of course, was to remind myself to go and read the foundation post: , by Rick Borchelt.It makes me happy that another pilgrim on the road to IndieWeb has found some of my efforts helpful. Ron Chester has taken up blogging and microblogging and is now wondering whether he ought to get into webmentions. In that connection, he had
about my write-ups on that subject, although in the end he decided that he doesn't want to take that particular giant baby step.Last week, I published a paper in PNAS addressing a topic that has captured the attention of media and policymakers around the world for many years – the rising suicide rate in India. ... I focus on the role of climate in this tragic phenomenon. I find that temperatures during India’s main growing...
[I]t would be very good to work out how much of what most of us spend on food is simply siphoned off to pay bankers, as interest on the debts of all the people along the food chain.
Colin Tudge in fine fettle.