I love Sugru, and I admire and am grateful to Jane, its onlie true begetter, but when someone on the internet is wrong, duty calls.
Dear the Jane
See, that's weird.
Scientific names, like the names of people, just don't take a definite article. They are what linguists call strong proper...
This just in from 538
Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previousl...
To dwell on the positive, I believe I am now collecting the simpler data on webmentions that I wanted to. It was a long while getting there, and fortunately I had a lot of help from Aaron Parecki, who wrote the library I wanted to use. It turns out that in my ignorance I exposed a couple of issues,...
What an interesting, inspiring day. I thought I would be way out of my depth, but I was by no means the least indiewebified person there, and I was possibly not the least nerdy person either. During introductions I realised that, like Sebastian Greger, I'm an indieweb hangover from the era when th...
Excited to be going to the IndieWebCamp in Nürnberg this coming weekend, and also very conscious that I want to be able to do more than just listen and learn. I want to have something specific to work on, so I can get assistance from people and learn even more. As a result, I spent most of Saturday and Sunday deep down the coding rabbit hole.1