Later in the summer I'll be offering some bread-making courses, and as part of that I've been excavating part of my personal baking history. Today, that was the story of how I came by one of my sourdough starters, the 100-year old Tuscan pasta madre. I snapped this portrait this morning.
Yikes! A big part of me wants to just ignore March until the end of April. But the rest of me knows that if I do that, chances are the whole task will be too overwhelming and I will just give up. So, better later than never.
A month on, and my little program to suck up and display the podcasts I have listen ed to is working well, but not perfectly. It still sometimes duplicates an entry it has already created, and I have been having a difficult time trying to work out why.
One simple reason for the difficulty is tha...
Originally published 05-04-2008
At a meeting yesterday morning we discussed a shared workspace. The Chair preferred email, "because people prefer action items, and an email in your inbox you can take action on. Going to a shared workspace you can ignore."
Well yes, if it weren't that...
Finally, I have succeeded in importing all the podcasts I have listened to with the Overcast app, at least as far back as May 2018.