‘A serial killer stalks the games’ ... Although I do find myself wondering how much of the book was simply inspired by the title. Having come up with that, did the rest of it all fall into place?
I can't remember when I switched my everyday browser from Safari to Firefox. Quite a while ago now. But I'm seriously thinking of switching back to Safari for one reason only: automation.
I suppose that if the previous month gets done more than halfway through, then the subsequent month is going to come on fast like an express train. So here we are.
Folksonomy is all very well, but my own set of tags leaves a lot to be desired. I'm forever giving things a tag and thinking I'll remember it and then discovering that not only do I not remember the tag, but also that the tag applies only to a single item, neither of which is very helpful. So I reso...
Originally published on 24-11-2009. Relevant to having dug up the post about my centenarian Italian sourdough starter, and resurfaced here partly to goad me into trying it again so that I can repost on Fornacalia.com. There are definitely changes I would make to the recipe and the method.