Trying to get a jump on this whole monthly thing by getting to work on it sooner rather than later. An end to procrastination, but not just yet.
Very happy to have given a little bit of support to Grav for the coming year. Do you use Grav? You can do the same by donating via Open Collective.
Almost a year ago, on 13 February 2018, I left myself a note to use Simple Icon SVGs instead of font-awesome right down at the bottom of my home page, where I link to a bunch of the other online places that are "me". Now I've done it.
Originally published 30-03-2008
"We'll be leaving in a moment. Especially if you can tell me the route."
I thought the bus driver was joking, an attempt to break the ice with his sole passenger early on Sunday morning. But no. He hesitated at a crossroads.
"Turn left," I yelled.
...Sparklines are a Tufte invention to display data almost as a word. I like them, and built them laboriously by hand in the past, for example to track changes in how Board members rated aspects of my workplace's activities. Anyway, having suddenly become aware of an avalance of spam to WithKnown (which had been going on for a while) I decided to track it and, as an exercise, to display the data as a sparkline.