I'm enjoying a certain amount of schadenfreude at the antics of Yahoo group members who simply have no idea what is happening to them, why it is happening, or what to do about it. I raised the imminent shut-down a couple of months ago, and got not a single reply from any group member. It is now obvious that the moderators long ago abandoned ship. But the pain continues.
I really wanted to post this 3 days ago, on January 10th. That would have been one year since I started recording the amount of spam I was getting over on my micro-site. I first noticed the problem in November 2018, and in January 2019 started keeping track.
This graph shows all the data from...
At the Casa Marina gardens in Key West last week, I was quite surprised to see orchids mounted on slabs of what looked like cork oak bark. My surprise, I later learned, was the result of my own ignorance, as it seems fairly common to attach orchids to a support and let them get on with it. I res...
This time last year, I bought two gizmos that improved my on-the-road writing experience a lot; a Roost laptop stand and a little Logitech bluetooth keyboard. Add in my bluetooth mouse, and I can work comfortably almost anywhere I can find a table and chair. Except when I cannot find the right chair.
Quite by coincidence, I listened to two podcasts about coffee back to back. Well, it wasn't truly a coincidence; I saw that there were two in my queue and so I interfered with the ordering to listen to them one after the other. Anyway, Benjamen Walker's Wake up and smell the coffee was the kin...