Just another month, really, which has flown by. There've been some warm harbingers of spring and some icy, damp reminders of winter. Paid work has been fine, although I seem to have lost control of keeping my podcast pipeline flowing. A bit more deliberately active. Covid-19 had no impact on the month, although I have had to cancel one brief trip in March.

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It is 160 days since I first noted that I would like to make use of Bise, Jason McIntosh's blog-readership reporter, 118 since I automated downloading the access logs. With half an eye on the project day at IndieWebCamp Austin, time to make good on my promise.

Bise expects its log files to be named a certain way, which is not the way mine were named, but that proved relatively easy to overcome with the wonderfully powerful A Better Finder Rename. The latest version has filters that make it possible to rename 1-9 and 10-... , which require slightly different handling, in the same batch, and that makes life super easy.

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Continuing my occasional efforts to bring old posts in, top of the logs yesterday was this post from 2006: Indefensible. And that started off referring to two earlier posts on the same topic, Gurt big confusion and Gene flow ... again. So I had to deal with all three.1

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At last, after what seems like forever chained to work for money (as opposed to work for fun) I have been able to get back to fiddling with my website. Top priority today was to display a page showing all the posts with a specific tag.

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My intention was to review not only December but the whole of 2019, and like the best of intentions, it went to hell in a handcart down a well-paved road. I have excuses aplenty, most notably that both December and January were short months thanks to a long holiday. This will probably be a bit truncated.

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