A very, very small fix today.1

  1. The formatting of footnotes had been driving me nuts, but not nuts enough to do anything about it. Until today. The marker is now where it ought to be, and the font size a smidgen smaller. 

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I've wanted for ages to be able to do visual representations of some of the data I collect, and as I had a bit more time than usual yesterday I finally made the effort to understand chartist.js and put it to work.

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Best part of the month was a brief trip to Venice to see two of my very best friends and just hang out with them. My first experience of acqua alta too, which made it even more interesting.

Drinking a coffee standing in high water

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Updated one of the more useful Grav plugins, TwigFeeds. This had been rewritten to take advantage of a better feed-reading service, and so I needed to change one or two things to make it work properly. The excellent instructions made that extremely easy, which is nice.

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Eventually, perhaps, I'll learn to think things through properly, but for now it seem that trial and error just leads me to more errors and more trials. My improved logic for detecting whether a post was a Review or a Listen failed to detect that it was neither of those things. As a result, those...

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