How do you get people to appreciate the value of agricultural biodiversity? A colleague has taken to starting presentations with the advice one gets on investment: diversify, diversify, diversify. But does the message hit home? Seth Roberts is reading Nassim Taleb's The Black Swan, from which he...
If only ... presumably people do actually read their comments, just as they presumably do look at themselves in the mirror before they go out. Still, it is a nice thought, from xkcd.
The Freakonomics boys draw attention to an offer from a bank:
Would you rather donate $100 to a charity you believe in, or spend $50 in your favorite shop?
I suppose if people know how to buy happiness (give your money away) they'll choose the charity. But who is actually paying for this...
Or maybe it was Daniel Cressey hisself? No idea whether Nature's story adds anything to what we already know, and I don't care.