Blue Girl has nothing better to do than get deeply into a very, very long intermeme. In which, before my eyes glazed over and I gave up, I saw this:
And I just know, absolutely know, that she did it on purpose. To check on us. So, did I pass BG, huh, did I?
I’m minded to collect, for a week, say, some of the comments that spammers leave on my web site in the faint hope that I’m feeble-minded enough not to spam them. The mystery abides ...
In celebration of World Food Day, I share with you Joi Ito (No, I didn't know) showing Boing Boing TV how to prepare bamboo shoots, from scratch.
More evidence for the Smart Aliens Must Have Taught Us How To Do Stuff theory of human evolution.
Gary at Muck and Mystery usually scores points off me because I am too quick to rush into print and haven’t thought things through. And often he’s correct. But his most recent sally is off the mark. I’m not sure whether he is bashing me or the authors of the paper. Probably a bit of both, but I am...