It's easy to laugh at Berkeley. So Right-on. So Convinced. So Radical. So Parochial. And yet, as I see it, they do seem to heading in the right direction. At least three links today persuade me of that.
First, Ann Cooper, director of nutrition services for the Berkeley Unified School District. I l...
Six years ago now, I collected seeds from a nice enough red canna growing at my last apartment but one. I sowed some the following year, and they sprouted, which was satisfactory enough. Then I moved, and took just three plants -- an orange, a lemon and a Brugmannsia -- with me. The cannas, young...
Why is it hotter in summer than in winter?
That was one of four science-ish questions that Jonathan Drori put to TED in February 2007. As it happens I knew the answer to that one and to the other three. Drori said that it was surprising how few people, including -- gasp -- MIT students, knew the...
Ok, it’s only USD43 million, a pittance compared to losses in the US financial sector. But still, quite an achievement for Kiva. All, I suspect, the result of making partial repayments available for immediate re-lending. I know I’ve been looking for a project to lend to for the past couple of...
I'm late to the news that Michael Reiss has resigned 1 as Director of Education at the Royal Society. PZ has compiled the important bits (The RoySoc's announcement and Richard Dawkins'' response) over at Pharyngula. The best bit is the way Dawkins handles the whole issue of accommodationism...