An unsolicited email from The Information Portal for the Public Sector promises amusement:

"We can't be anti everything!"
The UK Government's new Energy Adviser, David MacKay, gives a sound bite-free overview of the sustainable energy debate

Love the exclamation point. Love even more the t...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: 87.8 This week: 90.1

A long weekend away, with a decent Indian, a wedding feast, fine home cooking with friends, and then the world’s saltiest (and tastiest) little lamb chops last night -- of course I’m heavier. But I’m sure tomorrow’s scale will tell a different story. Ala...

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I did have my hopes too high, but they weren't dashed, just satisfied in a different way. I expected pecha kucha (which Dan Pink pronounces p'chatchka, making it sound just a little bit Yiddish) to be about ideas, about putting over a point of view, about stimulating an argument. It can be, clearl...

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I’ve read scads about pecha kucha and how the discipline of presenting ideas within the constraint of 20 slides at 20 seconds each can unleash a torrent of creativity. Now I’ve got a chance to see for myself. The University of Washington’s Design in Rome programme is giving it a go this evening,...

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I read a nice piece by Madronna Holden on her blog Our Earth/Ourselves. She tackles the larger theme of the story of consumer products, reminding readers of Wendell Berry's remark that we should not eat any food we are not willing to pray over.

Well, that's me starving to death right there, because I pray to nothing over nothing.

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