I may just have died and gone to heaven. Over at another place where bakers hang out I was extolling the virtue's of Dan Lepard's Black Pepper Rye and my tiny difficulty with the recipe when who should pop up but Mr Lepard hisself. Among other things, he said "It's very good toasted with peanut butter".
We used to have World Food Day on 16 October every year. This year the FAO decided, in its infinite wisdom, to acknowledge the fact that the we-meet-so-they-can-eat shindig goes on for the best part of two weeks. Enter World Food Week.
The best part, for me, was the opportunity to see Marion Nestl...
The Main Squeeze spotted this recipe on the same page as the Saffron Couscous, Chickpea and Lentil Salad she was making, ripped out of The Guardian Weekend magazine for 19 September 2009. It looked good. And it contained something I've never seen before in a bread recipe: a kind of roux, flour boile...
Having touched on some global stuff, it occurred to me to bring the topic back home, by making good on my promise to write more about the bread-making course I went on a month or so ago.
The course was definitely firmly rooted in an artisanal tradition. But it was unlike the artisanal bread site...
That’s it. I’m officially calling it off. My long-standing love affair with ecto is officially over. ecto is what is known as a third-party blogging client. A bit like email software, it lets you write a blog post while offline and then upload it when you’re happy with it. Last night it ate a long...