Unrealistically skinny woman in a Ralph Lauren advertisement I'm with Boing Boing (and everyone else) on this. You can’t go around suppressing well-deserved criticism as copyright infringement just because you haven’t got a leg to stand on. Or rather, you have got a leg, but it’s been so spindlified in Photoshop that there’s no way it could possibly bear t...

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The Brothers Bloom concerns two of the greatest con artists in the world and their various cons, and it is engaging and funny and, in the end, quite suspenseful. It also plays with time in ways that intrigue. Set in the now, it nevertheless features a telegram being read, stop, and replied to, stop...

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In modern architecture as in everything, there is good and there is bad. So I wonder what that monstrous carbuncle on the face of the much-loved British monarchy would make of this entertaining and very funny Ted Talk by Bjarke Ingels?

The buildings, like the architect, struck me as thoughtful...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: ??.? This week: 88.7

Last week was a week away on duty travel, normally fatal, but I guess that 24 hours of projectile vomiting 1 was a blessing, in some ways.

I’m not quite sure when it became fashionable to point out that there was no global shortage of food, just uneq...

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It is always such a relief when the hotel room safe not only opens on the dimly remembered code but also still contains everything you put in it on arrival. I do sometimes wonder, though, what the point is. I suppose to make it more difficult to steal things. Doh! But every place I've ever stayed sp...

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