Funny how things work. Patrick Rhone recently celebrated the 8th anniversary of his ongoing relationship with Notational Velocity, a mind-bogglingly simple, and even more powerful, piece of software that just keeps everything I want findable. Like Patrick, I too use nvALT, the modern incarnation ...
A nice enough way to spend Saturday morning, shooting fish in a barrel. No, wait … You can see them a bit bigger here.
Dear Mrs My Dog Is Not Aggressive,
That's what you said the first time she attacked my dog.
This is the end result of the second time.
I hope you're satisfied.
p.s. Dr Andrea Lanza and his crew more than make up for your selfishishness.
Podcasts are probably the single best thing about the internet. Sure it is handy to be able to search for things, but after a while I get so used to information on demand that I get angry when I can’t find it, or it isn’t there, or — Gasp! — what is there is wrong. But podcasts! Radio on Demand. And...