Sometimes the zeitgeist is trying to tell you something. Like when NPR's Planet Money and BBC Radio 4's Food Programme tackle the same subject in utterly different ways and yet come to an almost similar conclusion: lard; a bit of what you fancy does you good.
Of the two, I'd have to say that P...
I’m not sure I really know, but ...
TED is the Urban Outfitters of the idea world
Urban Outfitters, in case you didn’t know, is a mostly hip place that sells kinda-sorta retro chic stuff that people who like that sort of thing like. Possibly that’s what Nathan Jurgenson had in mind when h...
Just spent a fine few hours going through two large boxes of photographs. Some have not seen the light of day for four house moves and at least 12 years.
"But what if I want/need one of them?"
"You don't even know what there is, how could you possibly want/need anything specific."
In best d...
Just before that bit about "Nor any drop to drink," The Ancient Mariner tells us how the ship's timbers are drying out. For my purposes, those boards could equally well be the boards looking after US farmers. Sure, many of them are facing the worst drought since 1956. But according to NPR's Planet ...
Turmoil is roiling my online world, if that isn't too dramatic.
A week or so ago, work upgraded my PC to Windows 7 and fiddled around with the network. As a result, I’m all over the shop on my PC and discovered that the mail client on my Mac (Sparrow) could no longer send mail. Some kind of firew...