The big difference between Broadchurch, ITV’s knockoff of The Killing, and its model is that in the end, The Killing made sense whereas Broadchurch did not.
They were similar enough as they rolled along. Everyone damaged to a greater or lesser extent, many hiding secrets nothing to do with th...
If you think supersweet corn is genetically modified, I’d love to know what you think of the changes that turned teosinte into maize.
I said that, elsewhere. Not normally one for massive cross-posting, especially not of the gatling gun variety, I’m indulging myself this time for two reasons.
...A thought came to me as I stood obediently by the side of an empty road, a road devoid of traffic as far as the eye could see, which was a long way. Nothing was going to scream unforeseen round a corner to menace all of us waiting patiently for a little green person to beep us safely across the roa...
We finally got around to Ken Burns’ Dustbowl last week, and were suitably blown away. All talk of a Ken Burns Effect completely misses the point, and in my view the rostrum camera work would be nothing without the meticulous attention to the soundscape behind the images. But I digress. A lot of...
The long-awaited paperless office recedes ever more quickly, at least in most official offices. Here in the home office, however, my printer has sat idle for more than a year, probably because printing at the office has been available. But last week, I needed to print. Usual problems. Ink past its sell-by date. 1 All of them. Then discover I don’t have a full set of replacements. Order them, and wait for them to arrive. Pull out the old ones, stick in the new ones, throw the old ones in the bin. Discover that the new cartridges are of the wrong region.