The much ballyhooed total eclipse came and it went, more than a third of a world away. I didn't pay it much attention at the time, though I did marvel at some of the photographs of totality, while also staying aware that I had no way of knowing whether they were, in fact, of this totality rather than some previous event. A couple of people I know were there that I know of, and their accounts were terrific in a detached way. I also saved "Annie Dillard's Classic Essay: 'Total Eclipse'", which The Atlantic generously made available "until the end of August". But I didn't read it.

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Bugger. I've been dreading this news. I owe PPGB more than I ever said, more than I ever could say. Truly, the end of an era.

In the process of bringing over old posts from previous sites, I've come across old reviews. They’re not the same as the more recent ones, but I want to preserve them nevertheless. This was originally published on 1 June 2013.

Who is Bailey?

We'll never know. All we know is that Lionel Essro...

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Just a quick follow up on Reading, coding and commenting.

I used the twigfeeds plugin to bring in a feed of my links on to the sidebar here. Chris Aldrich pointed out that when I use as a way to read something again, it helpfully inserts because of Jeremy Cherfas at the end of the RSS entry. And if I can filter one piece of fluff out with a regex, I can do it for two. Here, then, is the code snippet for sidebar.html.twig with the final filter. Obviously, you would change it to suit your own needs.

<div class="sidebar-content">

{% for name, feed in twig_feeds if name == 'Reading' %}
    {% for item in feed.items %}
            <a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ item.title | regex_replace(['/Jeremy Cherfas is reading /', '/ because of Jeremy Cherfas/'],['','']) }}</a>
              <time>{{|nicetime(false) }}</time>

    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


Maybe someone will find this useful.

Notes, as much for my own memory as for anyone following along, on a couple of recent tweaks


I read a lot, on and offline, and forget almost as much, so I have various places where I try to save bookmarks, notes and what have you. Then I noticed that someone whose footsteps I have been ...

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