A paper just published in Nature Geoscience has terrific news for anyone worried about the sustainability of agriculture.1 It should be possible to grow 10% more calories and 19% more protein while simultaneously using 14% less rainwater and 12% less irrigation water. And that, the authors say "would feed an additional 825 million people".

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Interest in the IndieWeb appears to have upticked ever so slightly over the past couple of weeks, which may be why I've noticed so many more posts about how and why people are posting to their own sites and their various social presences. I meant to weigh in much sooner on some of them.

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As soon as micro.blog added the ability to crosspost to a micropub-equipped site, I've tried, sporadically, to get it to work with my Known site. It never would work, and proved extremely frustrating to troubleshoot. Other people would just say, "It works for me" and because the problem clearly lay somewhere between the two entities it was very hard to know where to begin looking for trouble.

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Reading Aaron's #IndieWeb Reflections, I want to say #metoo, but without debasing that hashtag.

I'm struck that he and I seem to be in very much the same place. I too find it hard to explain; but then again, I don't try much. I too get lost in the mechanics, although I am slowly making progress....

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It has taken a wee while, but I finally managed to complete a task I set myself in mid-August: automatic deletion of spam comments.

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