
Continuing my baby steps towards equipping Grav, which runs this, my main website, with a Micropub endpoint, it took me almost half a day to remember where I had got to. And about ten minutes to undo all my good work. Like the proverbial snail, though, I am now a little bit closer than I was, even if I had to drop down a bit to get here. And i (re)learned two important lessons: git; and small steps.

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Mildred Marianne asked How do you define #IndieWeb? and a couple of us weighed in. My own brief answer concluded "More a state of mind than a thing, I'd say" but Chris Aldrich went into a lot more detail. His piece is well worth checking out in detail, as it offers a bird's eye view of all the different things the IndieWeb is and could be. I might take issue with singling out the country of America for his metaphor as being a tad parochial, but one could choose any reasonably democratic place instead.

I want to respond to a little thing. In questioning the closed nature of the big silos, Chris asks parenthetically: Would you use your phone to only call friends who use AT&T?

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It has been a busy month, so busy that this report is the latest it has been in its short life. Many things have stayed on track, which makes me really happy.

Bread baking continues apace, with a new process in place to email people a choice of two different loaves. They reply by Monday, I deliver on Thursday and everyone is happy. I have been seriously eyeing up a Rofco B20 oven to cut total baking time but even though it seems on paper to be very compact I have not been able to identify a suitable space.

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Grant McCracken's series of case studies on American culture have been eminently interesting and entertaining, and like a good novel I've been limiting myself to one a day even though a blob of them dropped a few days ago. Today's read, on platforms for producer creativity struck a chord with me...

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Very strange to read an interview with Martie Haselton of UCLA days after reading in The Economist that The idea that women are cyclical cuckolders bites the dust. Why? Because Martie Haselton says:

The work from my lab is best known for doing rigorous studies of changes across women’s ovula...

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