I freely confess that I have a thing about Malthus, and that thing is mostly to defend him from people with an extremely narrow view of time and a profound ignorance of biology. The sad truth is that economists, as a generalisation, manage to ring both bells at once.

So it is with The Economis...

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Sorting out stuff

Originally published 15-03-2008

We'd been having some issues with technology. Things going too slow, too many options. If you've switched to GMail precisely because you don't always have access to Mail, why does iPhoto (curse it) insist on sending emails via Mail? Intertubes t...

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California leads the world, as ever. On 18 September, the state legislature signed into law a bill that "requires a vegan option on the menu at hospitals, health facilities such as nursing homes, and state prisons". So far, so normal. What brought me up short was the self-congratulatory remarks of...

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Following on from Amanda Rush's post about "responses to the allegations surrounding Brett Kavanaugh and their surrounding aftermath", I was sufficiently impressed by something I heard on a podcast this week to stop mid-walk and share it.

Benjamen Walker was talking to Eugenia Cheng about her...

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Turned out my faithful followers on micro.blog weren't actually able to follow me. Links from here, as picked up there, were all in a swivet. The first part of the URL was https -- as it should be -- but something was adding :80 at the end of the domain. Not surprisingly, browsers were unable to...

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