⏱️ 01:56 ⇄24.5km ⌀12.6km/h ↗?m ↘?m
The weather a couple of days ago was absolutely glorious with real warmth in the air so it was an easy decision to pack a sandwich (and some leftover pasta!) and extend my shopping trip to visit the park.
The park was so green, at least at ground level, but most of the trees were still bare, just a few with the lightest smudge of green around them like an aura. The ground was mostly dry underfoot, so the going was relatively easy. I stopped to snap the Nymphaeum of Egeria and then, on the way back, ducked through the little tunnel that goes under the road to the bottling plant for Egeria mineral water which, I admit, we seldom buy.
The bottling plant wasn’t that inviting, although I did see people filling their containers, which might be free if you’re prepared to go all that way.
On the way back I stopped off to eat my lunch in the sunshine before meandering back home after another couple of brief shopping stops.
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