With a couple of hours to spare, I decided to try and upload a correct route for Monday’s ride. First I had to convert the data recorded by Compass into a GPX file. With the help of ChatGPT that was reasonably easy, resulting in a Python script that works. I ought perhaps to tweak it to name outp...

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On Monday, perhaps foolishly, I went for a bicycle ride despite a very iffy weather forecast. A friend from the Venice ride in May was in town and wanted to go for a ride together, and two previous dates had fallen through. Monday was our last chance on this trip, so we went for it.

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Finally, last Sunday, I set up the new friction shifters on the downtube of my old Raleigh bicycle. It’s a long story, with a happyish ending.

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⏱️ 05:04   ⇄55.4km   ⌀10.9km/h   ↗774m   ↘707m

It is strange indeed, on a bicycle ride, to view successive downhill sections with mounting trepidation, but that's what happened to me on Friday. After the first glorious descent, swooping around beautiful curves for just about two kilometres, and ma...

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⏱️ 02:49   ⇄33.7km   ⌀11.6km/h   ↗357m   ↘363m

The Eroica is a bicycle ride dedicated to vintage bicycles (pre-1987) and held in Tuscany on the first Sunday in October. I have known about it for a while, and encountered it accidentally last year. This year, back near Buonconvento with The Squeez...

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