Episode summary: Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss eighteenth century ‘vase-mania’. In the second half of the century, inspired by archaeological discoveries, the Grand Tour and the founding of the British Museum, parts of the British public developed a huge enthusiasm for vases modelled on the ancien...

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Episode summary: Just before being inaugurated as US president for the second time, Donald Trump launched something called a “meme-coin”. This is a bespoke cryptocurrency token featuring a picture of Donald Trump. A billion of them may eventually be created.Newspaper headlines claimed that the Trump...

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Episode summary: Michael Kliën wants to help bring about profound change in the world, but not through the usual means. An Austrian-born Dance professor at Duke University, Kliën is a leading social choreographer. He sets up experiments involving people moving amongst each other — wordlessly — in pu...

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Episode summary: What has the colour of your hair got to do with your capacity to withstand pain? We investigate the claim, which regularly circulates on social media, that natural redheads are 25% tougher than their brunette peers. Pain expert Jeff Mogil explains how it all comes down to something...

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Episode summary: When your synthesizer breaks the phone system (and other tales from a life in music)

Episode summary: Emulsifiers are among the most common food additives found in ultra-processed foods (UPFs), a much-discussed category of foods commonly defined as those made using manufactured ingredients. They are often packaged and have a long shelf life. Research examining the impact of diets hi...

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Episode summary: Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the Greek biographer Plutarch (c46 AD-c120 AD) and especially his work ‘Parallel Lives’ which has shaped the way successive generations see the Classical world. Plutarch was clear that he was writing lives, not histories, and he wrote these very focus...

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Episode summary: Donal Trump and managing emotions in the here and now - The Blindboy Podcast | Acast

Episode summary: Sharing an episode from a series we think many of our listeners will like to hear. Reverend William Barber II and Yara Allen discuss how music intertwines with social movements, focusing on the contributions of theomusicology and Repairers of the Breach’s journey, alongside the Mora...

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Episode summary: The story of an 2700 year old archive, its accidental preservation, and the unprecedented—and often funny—glimpse it gives us into the daily life of an ancient king.

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