Episode summary: A biblical scholar’s dramatic last-minute announcement at a packed debate hints at a fragment that could rewrite history.On a winter’s night in 2012, an extraordinary claim electrifies a university auditorium in North Carolina - the discovery of what could be the earliest known Chri...

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Episode summary: In the second of our episodes with historian Clare Jackson on the English revolutions of the 17th century we discuss the one that usually gets called ‘Glorious’: the revolution of 1688. Was it a revolution or was it an invasion? What rights did parliament win and what powers did it...

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Episode summary: One of the Third Reich’s most colossal architectural failures.

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Episode summary: Babies born in the US to Black Hispanic or African American mothers are more likely to die than any other ethnic group in America. That is a fact. But the reason why this happens is unclear. In 2020 a study came out that claimed that black babies attended by white doctors after birt...

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Episode summary: Just a moment…

Episode summary: How much does your surname predict your economic fate?

Episode summary: A threatening message leads a papyrologist into the shadowy world of online antiquities trading.On a September morning in 2017, Dr Roberta Mazza opens her WhatsApp to find menacing messages and warnings to “watch her back”. How did a respected academic specialising in ancient texts...

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Episode summary: How did a simple painting transform into the world’s most recognized depiction of Jesus?

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Episode summary: In July 2017, Dr Jeff Kloha is preparing to start his dream job as Director of Collections at Washington DC’s new Museum of the Bible when he discovers his new employer’s biggest donor has been caught up in a government investigation.The donor, Hobby Lobby, has been ordered to retur...

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Episode summary: Today’s episode is about a revolution that took centuries to happen if it ever really happened at all: The Scientific Revolution. David talks to historian of science Simon Schaffer about what changed in human understanding – and what didn’t – in the age of Galileo and Newton. Was th...

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