Episode summary: Weeks after the defeat of Germany, it’s mid-Summer 1945, and the top surviving Nazis have been arrested all over Europe. For the moment, the prisoners are held in a hotel in Luxembourg but there are people out there, victims, survivors, and they want revenge. Inside the hotel, the Prison Commandant is under pressure. Colonel Andrus had to prevent attempts to release his prisoners, or to lynch them, or to stop them committing suicide. But once they’re transferred to Nuremberg Prison, it’s no safer: SS Prisoners have been dragooned into the rebuilding effort. Finally, in spite of his best efforts, one indicted Nazi – Robert Ley, Head of the Labour Front – manages to hang himself. Starring Joseph Alessi as Colonel Burton Andrus, Prison Commandant and Jasper Britton as Robert Ley, Head of the German Labour Front. Cast: Sergeant Monelli - ELLIOT COWAN Colonel Burton Andrus - JOSEPH ALESSI Herman Goering - NIGEL LINDSAY Rudolf Hess - JOSEPH MYDELL Robert Ley and other roles - JASPER BRITTON Wilhelm Keitel and…
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