Start: 95.4 Last week: 89.5 This week: 89.5
Tuesday 9 October: Things are settling down, and the appetite suppression seems to have mostly kicked in again after a couple of weeks of no oil. Mostly, because yesterday I had the oddest cravings for chocolate. A Magnum after lunch, a teeny bar of cro...
Start: 95.4 Last week: ??.? This week: 89.5
Thursday 4 October: Pleasantly surprised this morning after getting on the scales for the first time in three weeks. I’ve been eating three meals a day for the past two weeks, and I thought it would show more. But maybe that’s the unfamiliar foods effec...
Start: 95.4 Last week: 87.2 This week: 87.9
Tuesday 7 August: It is kind of hard to be sure that I’ve slipped down to a new plateau, but I certainly think I have. If I just look at the whole number of kilograms, there are more 87s in the past couple of weeks than there have been before. I’m not g...
Start: 95.4 Last week: 88.3 This week: 87.2
Tuesday 31 July: I know it seems that I have neglected this particular blog element of late, but really that’s only to spare you, dear reader, from the same endless tedium I have to suffer weighing myself each morning. It just wasn’t dripping off any mo...
Start: 95.4 Last week: 88.3 This week: 88.3
Tuesday 26 June: Well, I’m not going to make it to a 10kg loss, I don’t suppose. At least, not within the year. But it would be nice to shed just a little more. Managed to abandoned the cornetto most days without any problem, which suggests that I wa...