When people say we have no choice, do they really mean we have no choice? I ask because Jess Fanzo, a nutrition scientist I admire, respect and like, recently published We may not have a choice but to consume alternative proteins on her blog The Food Archive.

A single falafel on a plate with a scoop of, presumably, tahini sauce

She is talking about meat-like al...

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A couple of weeks ago, I read a fascinating post on The Fresh Loaf, in which Kendalman described his interesting approach to stretch and fold and offered an alternative explanation of what is going on, because he believes the conventional view is mistaken. As near as I can tell, he says that the...

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John Naughton's daily posts are always worth glancing through. Today’s more than usually so, because it pointed to an essay1 by Justin E.H. Smith about the perils of hawking a new book. His point is that almost every conversation he has had trying to boost sales has been unencumbered by his inq...

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For months, I have had to change the name of a file from access.log.2022-04-14 to plain, simple access.log and every time dear old OSX asks me to confirm that I really do want to do that. In a fit of pique, I finally decided to automate the whole process with a tiny little Alfred workflow. Getti...

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Shocking revelations in this morning’s Guardian: The cello and the nightingale: 1924 duet was faked, BBC admits. The recording of a bird joining Beatrice Harrison’s cello on a summer’s evening in 1924 has legendary status in certain circles. That some people have long had doubts about the bird — n...

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