Where did the month go? I know it is a short month, but it was over so quickly. Still, there were trips to the beach and the cinema (Belfast) to remember.

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Over on Eat This Podcast I’ve been splitting hairs over whether inequality or straightforward poverty is to blame for people not being able to afford food. Then along comes a day that serves up a perfect illustration.

Headline: Many UK homes cut back on essentials to pay for TV, phones and internet

Headline: ‘We’ve had a run on champagne:’ Biggest UK banker bonuses since financial crash

Those two headlines are from the online edition of this morning’s Guardian....

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A lot of the reading I do is of PDFs. I have no desire to print them out, nor do I want to always be sitting at my desk when I could be sprawled on the couch. In the past I have occasionally sent a PDF to my Kindle Paperwhite, but only under duress because the experience is generally horrible. I hav...

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The crocuses have been out now for a couple of days here, as they have elsewhere. These are not the big blowsy purple or yellow ones that make a bright carpet of colour. In fact, from a distance they’re nothing, one reason why I did not bother with a wide shot here. Get down on your knees in the m...

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Jeremy Keith (aka Adactio) had a fun quiz on his website a couple of days ago. Fonts or food? offered up 25 chances to decide whether a word was the name of a font or a food. Challenge accepted, I scored 20/25. Two foods turned out to be fonts and three fonts turned out to be foods. A fine oppor...

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