Start: 95.4 Last week: 88.4 This week: 89.3

There’s nothing to say I can get serious here from time to time, or that I can’t cross-post to anywhere that'll have me.

There’s a fascinating paper in last week's Science Express1 from a heavyweight bunch of scientists and advisers in the UK, on “th...

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Stormy weather

Don't know why, there's no sun up in the sky ... has been the lament for far too many weeks, and not only here in Rome. So here for your delectation is Ivie Anderson fronting the Duke Ellington Orchestra in a 1933? recording of Stormy Weather. There's also a video on YouTube of...

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I’d been longing to try one of those whole-grain soaker recipes for ages, but had to wait for the time to visit the whole foods shop to score some millet seeds; never seen them anywhere else. And then I had to wait another few days for a baking day. And a final delay of a week to post it all here. A...

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Corn Grinding, Haiti

Album cover The World of Man: His Work Hard to know where to break into this story. I had it all lined up for last week, and then came the earthquake in Haiti and “sensitivity” got the better of me, so I pulled it. Then I read up more about Harold Courlander, the man who recorded it. He seems to be most famous as...

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Answer: If it is one of many HP models, it is "regionalized". Ink cartridges you buy in one country won't necessarily work in a printer bought in another country.

That completely blows chunks.

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