Great round-up in The Smart Set of food in the movies. Paula Marantz Cohen romps through the classics -- Leave the gun, take the cannoli -- and brings out both their individual flavour and the way each has influenced some of its successors. I haven’t seen them all, something I would make amends fo...

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Start: 95.4 Last week: 89.5 This week: 89.3

New(ish) year, new approach. No more attempting to number by week, and no more beating myself over the head if I miss a week.

The Art of Eating is my unmissable periodical, the most intelligent, informative, well-written publication on food available...

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Rome, like Paris before it, has a green bike scheme in the centre of the city. Lots of bike racks, lots of bikes, and you pay 50 cents for each half hour or part thereof. Nifty. Of course, it isn’t quite that simple. You have to have a special smart card to unlock a bike and return it to a rack, and...

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Luigi turned me on to David Mamet's Spartan, in a discussion of what was worth watching on TV these days.1 I loved it. Not just for the violence, which is considerable and effective. Not just for the secret service procedurals, which are everywhere these days and which for all I know are having...

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The Weight

I had thought, when I started this series, that there would be at least one song in each of the Sounds to Grow On episodes that would be worth singling out; that hasn’t been the case. I’m not saying that there won’t be more Folkways tracks in future, only that nothing in the past couple...

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