Swedish friends invited us for a casual supper and a movie, and I was arrogant enough to think that I could make them a Swedish-style rye bread. I'd already established, with the same Swedes, that the term limpa, which I had always understood to mean a type of bread, a recipe, in fact described a...
A commenter wrote:
I’m interested in your choice of pronoun in the following: “Each website author or publisher has to find their own solution,” I prefer to bounce between “his” and “her,” but am always interested in hearing writers’ rationale for their choice. By the way, I see “their” more a...
There's no greater validation, when one casts a frail little paper-boat of a blogpost onto the maelstrom of teh interwebs, than to have some stranger, or even friend, respond. 1 Go to any reasonably popular website, however, and it rapidly becomes obvious that 90% of comments are crap. What to do?
Life outside of Life has been hectic lately, which is why I am only just getting round to writing up the breads I made for a dinner on the first Saturday after Fornacalia. The meal was chilli with all the fixins, and three breads.
First off, to keep the wolf from the door, thin slices of semoli...
About this time last year, and the year before that and the year before that, a thought troubled me. Could this be the year I kiss Quicken goodbye?
Anyone who has used this venerable financial package -- especially on a Mac -- will surely sympathise. I'm not going to go into the myriad ways in whi...