Melvyn Bragg’s In Our Time had a pair of episodes on the history of cities that were packed with fascinating ideas, any one of which could probably have spun off into a programme of its own. And of course I shouldn’t criticise for what wasn't there. But really, to spend 80 minutes discussing the h...
I’m still reeling from a purchase last night: a 1Tb hard drive for 109 euros. First, who would ever have thought that I would need a 1Tb hard drive? And secondly, who would ever have thought that I could get one for chump change?
True job satisfaction, according to Dan Pink, comes from autonomy, mastery and purpose according, and I agree. In search of satisfaction, I therefore set out to do something I’d never done before. Bake bagels for brunch.
I bake more bread than we can eat. Even though homemade bread, especially naturally leavened bread, is much more resistant to mould than store-bought, occasionally a piece needs its green and furry bits removed. Even more occasionally, a chunk gets dumped. I could happily bake even more; but what to do with the surplus? I've given loaves away, with great satisfaction on both sides, and even suggested that the recipient pay me to defray my costs, a suggestion that was welcomed with open arms but not, so far, actually acted upon. It seems churlish to keep asking.
Or perhaps it wasn't. But it feels as if it could have been. After a surgical strike on IKEA early this morning I assembled my Besta as best as I could. (Oh God, the wit of it.) And then -- here's the breakthrough -- I ditched all the bits and pieces I didn't need for this particular configuration....